Celebrating Faith Journeys: Tampa Catholic's OCIA Program Welcomes 8 New Members to the Church

This Easter season, Tampa Catholic's OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) program witnessed an inspiring milestone as it embraced 8 students into full communion with the Church. It's a moment of profound significance, both for the individuals involved and our community at large.

These students have embarked on a journey of faith, guided by their commitment to deepen their spiritual connection within the Catholic Church. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Sophia Lopez, Hayden Lockler, Sophia Pitcher, Savannah Kirbach, Sienna Tucker, Jaxon Tucker, Sebastian Linden, and Brady Urso. Each name represents a unique story, a personal journey of discovery and faith.

In this age of constant change and uncertainty, moments of spiritual renewal and awakening are to be cherished. These students' decision to embrace their faith is a testament to the enduring power of belief and community. It's a reminder that amidst life's challenges, there is always room for growth, reflection, and the pursuit of deeper truths.

Campus Minister and Theology teacher, Ryan Mulligan's commitment to mentoring and nurturing the faith of these individuals has been invaluable, and his contribution to their spiritual development is truly commendable.

May this Easter season mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with spiritual growth, community, and blessings for these new members of the Catholic Church. Their presence enriches our community, reminding us of the beauty and diversity within the body of Christ.