Crew » Crew


Team Info

Tampa Catholic Crew is a year-round sport with the opportunity to commit to one or both seasons. Rowing does require its athletes to be highly dedicated and competitive. Both seasons run independently, tryouts, seasons, boats, and athletes. You can join for one season, or both.


Our mission as a coach is not just to develop the athletic skills as an athlete, but to aid in the personal and spiritual growth of each athlete. Making sure that there are skills and benefits that will assist them as adults in the future.       


We will uphold our schools’ values and traditions in Faith, Excellence, and Family. We will walk with honor, commitment, and pride in our teams and with each other, while building a solid foundation based on trust, loyalty, and our love for God.


Expectations and Standards: 2.0 GPA minimum, if you have a D or F in any class you are going to tutoring for that class, regattas are all off campus and most (all but 1) require personal transportation, all trash is picked up after every practice.

2024-25 Schedule

     Practice in the Spring is Monday, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 4-6pm.
     Regattas are on Saturdays (see schedule below).

Spring 2024:

     Matt Agel Regatta at Nathan Benderson Park 1/18.
     Southern Sprints in Melbourne (taking bus as a team) 2/9.
     Sarasota Invitational at Nathan Benderson Park 2/22.
     Spring Sprints at Tampa Bypass Canal 3/1.
     FSRA West Districts at Nathan Benderson Park 4/5.
     FSRA Sculling States Championship at Nathan Benderson Park 4/12-4/13.
     FSRA Sweep States Championship at Nathan Benderson Park 4/26-4/27.

Coaching Staff


Team Social Media

Follow us on TikTok @tchs_crew
View this profile on Instagram

Tampa Catholic Crew (@tchs_crew) • Instagram photos and videos